Way back when school was still in session, when we thought next week was going to be spring break, my hubby requested the week off so that we could enjoy olympic national park with the kids during the break. Due to Covid-19 our plans are changing a bit. We went to enjoy olympic national park the last Saturday before the quarantine, but now that regulations are tightening up and things are closing, we don't want to get stuck in/around the park with no bathrooms or services near by. So we are planning to turn our vacation into a staycation.
One of the things my hubby suggested was that we do a family art project during the break. The kids seem to fight no matter what I do, so I sort of gave up on finding fun projects to do with them a long time ago. But if Dad is home to help and is excited about the idea, I will give it a whirl again. Here are some of the ideas I thought might be fun and turn out cute/cool
- Segmented creatures by "what do we do all day?"
- Video at link to walk you through preparing the paper
- Each family member draws a different part of the creature (with the flaps, there are 9 segments to each creature.)
- Pass the Picture by BounceBackParetning.co
- Each member of the family gets a different color and a paper.
- They draw on their paper for 1 minute, then everyone keeps their pen and passes their paper to the right.
- Continue 1 minute draw and pass sessions until you get your paper back.
- class art project from Georgetown Elementary art Blog
- Everyone draws a doodle on the board/paper. Making sure that they do not touch any other doodles
- Then connect the doodles with a black line
- Each person gets a different color of paint to color in heir doodle/segments between the doodles
- Once dry, go back over the back lines to make it look crisp
![Pass the drawings Drawing Game](https://bouncebackparenting.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Doodles1.jpg)
- State fingerprint art from kids steam lab
- Each person gets a different color of paint and finger paints the picture
- Once it is dry, cut it out in the shape of your home state.
- Wouldn't this be cool in greens and blues for our beloved evergreen state with it's many lakes!!!
![Family Fun Art Projects](https://kidssteamlab.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/familyfun_IL_fingerprints_frame.jpg)