Sunday, January 28, 2024

Danny's Wil Kratts Story

My son has gotten in trouble at school off and on for his extremely creative superhero stories and drawings that sometimes get too extreme for school. So, we are practicing appropriate stories here. They are un edited and a creative outlet for him

In the Indonesian Rainforest, Chris and Martin Kratt are trying to look for a flying Gecko. This unusual creature has the creature power to glide like a Draco Lizard because they have special things between their toes and fingers that allow them to glide. They can also climb on smooth surfaces because they have special fingerpads. Gecko fingers go the opposite way that human fingers go.

But meanwhile, over in the sky, there is Zack Varmetec. He is trying to find a new creature for his new spy bots. He thinks the flying geckos might be the answer. 

Meanwhile with the Wild Krats, Martin calls Aviva and asks if she can make a flying Gecko power disk. She says

"Oh, these!" and she pulls out 2 from her pocket.

Martin Says, "How did you..."

"I knew what you guys were doing," says Aviva "Teleport 'em Jimmy."

The powerdisks arrive and MArtin finally comes up with a name for the new gecko friend. "Sticker" 

"activate flying gecko powers" they say together

But all of a sudden, when they turn around to see sticker, he suddenly disappears. When they walk back to the Tortuga, they realize all the flying geckos in the forest are missing! "We gotta find them" says Chris.

"but how?" says Martin "we don't even know where they are."

Aviva says "Come on guys, maybe we can use this special animal tracker I just built"

"well, we can try" says martin

"Now lets check" says Jimmy. meanwhile in the sky Zack Varmatech has turned all the Flying Gecos in the Indonesian Rain Forest into spybots!so now he can steal ALOT of the Wild Krattses technolaghy!such as...,The Creatarae,The Miniturizer ,The Bus Bikes,or even,THE CREATURE POWER SUITS!meanwhile, The Tortuga"no traces of the Flying Gekos yet"says Aviva.Then all of a sudden Chris & Martin spot something!Its Zacks jet!AN THEN...ALL the Flying Gekoes in the Indonesian Rain Forest come out of the sun roof & steal all the technology!But luckily The Wild Kratts have a plan.First Chris & Martin miniturize themselves & take of all the the gloves Zack put on them.Next they spray all the walls with some thing that makes it so the geckoes cant climb them. Next while the geckoes are distracted well The Wild Kratts remove all the mind control helmets of the Gekoes.& also Zack screamed like a girl  & yells, I'L GET YOU WILD RATTS !' "THATS WILD KRATTS!" THE END

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